Relax Massage Therapy
Mindy Taylor LMT AIMI

About Me

"It doesn't feel a job, I can't believe I get paid for something I love doing!"

I attended nursing school, years ago when my kids were little.  I have since worked in the hospital setting, as well as a pharmaceutical research facility for 10 years.  Knowing that I could not sit in a lab for the rest of my life I enrolled at The Ohio College of Massotherapy in Akron, Ohio.  Two years of working full-time and going to college fulltime paid off.  I received my Associates Degree in Applied Science and became licensed by the medical board for Massage Therapy. I started out my massage career working at a chiropractors office, then moving to a salon until moving out on my own.

When Im not working I enjoy spending time with my  3 adult daughters and 3 adorable grandchildren.  I also like trying to keep in good shape by working out and doing some yoga. I also like playing in the dirt a bit - planting flowers, working outside and floating in the pool.